Areal Security Of The Habema Is Supported By The Digilimu Residents

- Juli 01, 2024
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Mbua, PenKoopsHabema, SABTANEWS.COM – The Task Forces of the Para Raider Infantry Battalion 432/Waspada Setia Jaya Kostrad, one of the military units under The Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command (KOOPS TNI) HABEMA, is currently carrying out the mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in Nduga Regency area, Papua Pegunungan Province. On Sunday, 30 June 2024, the Kostrad Infantry Battalion 432 Task Force held areal security in the Digilimu Village, Mbua District. This security program received a positive response from the local residents.

Commander of the 432 Task Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Zulfikar Akbar Helmi, emphasized the Soldiers to focus in every effort to create a safe and peaceful situation in Papua. Therefore, that Sunday, the TNI Soldiers had planned for areal security program by checking vehicles entering and exiting the Digilimu area. In the context of synergy between the TNI and local stakeholders, the Mbua Post Commander, First Lieutenant Fahrizal, took advantage of the time to carry out areal security by inviting local community leaders to participate in the program.

Eventually, the program was enthusiastically welcomed by the residents, coordinated by a local community leaders, Mr. Yairus Gwijangge. The synergy between the community and the TNI in securing this area is carried out by checking every vehicle that uses the connecting road between the Nduga Atas and Mbua District, and passes through the Digilimu Village. "We are happy that the TNI wants to collaborate with the people to secure the Digilimu Village. Hopefully Papua will be safe soon," said Mr. Yairus Gwijangge at the end of the program.

"The initiative of the 432 Task Forces which successfully involves the synergy of local residents in conducting areal security activities in the Digilimu Village is an implementation of the TNI's task of providing security support, as an effort to accelerate the development of Papua," said the HABEMA Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, upon receiving the program report.








Dansatgas Media KOOPS HABEMA, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho

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